Suzi Walsh

About me

Suzi Walsh is an expert dog behaviourist and trainer. Suzi has a Honours Degree in Zoology and Masters in Applied Animal Welfare and Behaviour. Suzi has worked professionally as a dog behaviour consultant for the past 16 years and loves every second of it. Suzi is a founding member of the Irish Veterinary Behaviour Association and is passionate about improving the lives of dogs in Ireland. Suzi is a contributing writer for The Journal and can be frequently heard on Irish radio speaking about all things dog. As well as working with dogs who have behavioural problems Suzi also teaches puppy classes and gives workshops, courses and seminars to pet parents and other professionals in the industry as well as working as an expert assessor when things go wrong. When there is time Suzi also enjoys working with dogs in TV and film as well as a volunteer behaviour expert for several animal charities. 

Suzi has previously worked for Dogs Trust Ireland and with the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind as a supervisor. She has also worked with the veterinary department of Dublin Zoo on a nutritional research project for captive wild animals.

In 2009 Suzi was nominated for an Ireland Involved award for her extensive work with rescue dogs and was a runner up in the Animals and Environment category.

Suzi has a special interest in puppy development and preventing behaviour problems.










Qualifications and Certifications

  • BSc. Honours Degree in Zoology from University College Dublin, 2001-2006

  • MSc. Masters Degree in Applied Animal Welfare and Behaviour, Edinburgh University, 2006-2007

  • Certificate in Canine First Aid (canine first responder course), 2009 & 2011

  • FETAC level 6 Canine Obedience & Training, Dog Training Ireland, 2012

  • Qualified Puppy Trainer , Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, 2010

  • Approved behaviourist with Allianz Insurance (vet referral required).

  • Companion Animal micro-chipping certification, International Animal Care College, 2011

  • Competency Assessment Programme in Clicker Training – Level 1

  • Member of the Pet Professionals Guild

  • Associate member of the IAABC

  • Member of APDT (No. o14)

  • Certificate in Dog daycare from the Companion Animal Sciences Institute

  • Certificate in Dog Emotion and Cognition, Duke University, 2015

  • Certificate in Feline Body Language, 2017

  • Certificate in Dogs with resource guarding issues from International College of Canine Studies

  • Certificate in Dog Body Language ICC

  • Certificate for the reversal of aggression in dogs and cats Dr Sophia Yin

  • Certificate in dog aggression ICC

  • Certificate in Treatment and Prevention of Dog Aggression Dr Ian Dunbar, 2017

  • Certificate in Canine Anxiety ICC, 2018

  • Certificate in reactive dog training Dr Ian Dunbar, 2018

  • Certificate introducing babies to dogs, 2019

  • Certificate in common behaviour problems in dogs Dr Ian Dunbar, 2019

  • Certificate in training advanced recall, Pet Professional Guild, 2019

  • Certificate in Understanding and Solving Separation Anxiety in Dogs, ICC, 2019

  • Advanced Accredited Certificate in Canine Reactivity Behaviour, Canine Principles, 2019

  • Certificate in Canine Impulse Control, 2019

  • Certificate Motivating Dogs (for dogs who won’t work for food), 2019

  • Certificate in Dog and Cat behaviour problems, Dr.Ian Dunbar 2019.

  • Certificate in dog behaviour (in the dogs mind), Victoria Stilwell, 2019.

  • Certificate in Dog - Dog Aggression and Reactivity, Scott Sheaffer, 2019.

Qualifications and Certifications continued

  • Certificate in Practical Ethology: Breeding Selection and Training Choices, Chris Redenbach, 2020.

  • Trainer & Behaviourist COVID-19 Certificate, Sarah Whitehead, 202o.

  • Canine Pharmacology Accredited Advanced Certificate certification, Canine Principles, 2020.

  • Certificate in Keeping Dogs Safe - Barbara Handelman M.Ed., CDBC, 2021.

  • Certificate in Rescue dogs - Canine Principles, 2021.

  • Remote Consultations for Aggression Cases, Raising Canine, 2021.

  • Certificate Canine Sex, Hormones & Neutering, Sarah Whitehead, 2021.

  • Certificate in Separation Anxiety - Simply Behaviour, 2021.

  • Heelwork (How To Stop A Dog Pulling On The Lead) Instructor Course, Simply Behaviour, 2021.

  • Recall (how to train your dog to come back) Instructor level, Simply Behaviour, 2021.

  • Certificate in Canine Play and Bonding, Canine Principles, 2021.

  • Certificate in Loose lead walking, Canine Principles, 2021.

  • Certificate Inspiring Resilience In Fearful and Reactive Dogs, Canine Principles, 2021.

  • 21 days to a clever dog course. Sarah Whitehead, 2021.

  • Certificate in Canine Nutrition & Behaviour, The School of Canine Science, 2021.

  • Certificate in Canine Enrichment, 2021.

  • Certificate in the impact of dog play groups, Aimee Sadler, 2022.

  • Certificate in assessing pain in Dogs, Vet Ed, 2022.

  • Course Learning How to Recognize and Understand Pain in Dogs , Dr. Hannah Capon, 2022.

  • Recognizing Brewing Fear and Aggression in Dogs and Cats, Dr. Sophia Yin, 2022.

  • Rapid Reversal of Fear and Aggression in Dogs and Cats, Dr. Sophia Yin, 2022.

  • Restraint of Difficult Dogs and Cats, Dr. Sophia Yin, 2022.

  • Low Stress Handling® Silver Certification program, Dr. Sophia Yin, 2022.

  • Certificate Working with dogs who are not food motivated, Kathy Sdao, 2022.

  • Certificate Impulse control level 1 & 2, Donna Hill, 2022.

  • Reactivity in Herding Breeds, Emily Priestley, 2023.

  • Certificate Cooperative Care for Touch Aggressive Dogs, Sarah Dixon, 2023.

  • Identifying discomfort in dogs, APBC, 2023.

  • Certificate How to spot pain through movement and posture, Gemma Hodson, 2023.

  • Certificate Phantom pregnancy the silent killer, Dr Sara Davies, 2023.

  • Course in Puppy development and socialisation, Amplified behaviour. 2023.

  • Certificate Reactivity and Over Arousal, FDSA, 2023.

  • Certificate Tackling reactivity, Spirit Dog Training, 2023.

  • Certificate Forensic Dog Bite Investigations, Dr James Crosby, Amplified Behaviour, 2023.

  • Certificate Stop Jumping Course, Spirit Dog Training, 2023.

  • Course Car Chasing to Calm, Sarah Hederly, 2023.

  • Course Selecting drugs for pain trials, Dr. Kathy Murphy, BehavioUr Vets, 2024.

  • Course Stop Pulling! Loose Leash Walking, Grisha Stewart, 2024.

  • Cooperative Care, Dr.E’Lise Christensen, Behaviour Vets, 2024.

  • Behaviour-Supporting Medications and Supplements, Behaviour Vets, 2024.

  • Silence is Golden (solving barking issues) with Leslie McDevitt, 2024.

  • Separation Case Study Masterclass, Lauren Hewitt-Watts, 2024.

  • Defensive Handling with Aggressive Dogs, Michael Shikashio & Trish McMillan, IAABC, 2024.

  • Incorporating Enrichment into Your Behaviour Modification Plan, Allie Bender, IAABC, 2024.

  • Course Canine Compulsive Disorder, Toni Shelbourne, Canine Principles, 2024.

  • Course Reactive and aggressive behaviour, BehaviourVets, 2024.

  • Course on the Power of Play, BehaviourVets, 2024.

  • Course Resolving Resource Guarding, Sarah Dixon, IAABC, 2024.

  • Recognizing Pain: Physical vs Behavioural, Debbie Gross Torraca, IAABC, 2024.

  • Working with Separation Issues in Dogs, IAABC, 2024.

  • Functional Assessment Tracking, Suzanne Clothier, 2024.

  • Patellar luxation - diagnosis and management, John Innes, 2024.

  • Working Complex Aggression Cases, Laurie Lawless, IAABC, 2024.

  • Predation Substitute Training New Ways to Manage Predatory Chasing, Simone Mueller, 2024.



my Services


Puppy TRAININg at home

€150 (under 6 months old)

Is your dog not as well mannered as you might like? I can help you to improve your dogs manners at home and in public so that you can enjoy your canine companion without the embarrassment. I can help with -

  • Recall

  • Jumping up problems

  • Excessive barking

  • Digging or destruction

  • House training issues

  • Puppy socialisation

  • General training

I also work with families who have a dog and are expecting a baby into their home to make any adjustments as relaxing as possible. Puppy behavioural issues will have an additional charge if an evening appointment (behavioural issues are those that are related to fear and outside the normal expectations of puppy behaviour).


€200 (evening & weekend appointments €250)

If you would like me to visit your own home for a specific behavioural or training problem you are having, I cover the Dublin area. This session will last approximately 2 hours and includes a plan especially for your dog. I am also available for follow up advice and I stay in touch with you to ensure that problem behaviour and training is progressing.

  • Reactivity - barking at dogs/people/objects.

  • Aggressive behaviour.

  • Separation anxiety.

I am covered under Allianz pet insurance scheme for behaviour issues. You must have a veterinary referral.



I have been involved in many projects including advertisements and behavioural campaigns for Pedigree, training dogs for TV and movies as well as writing articles for newspaper and online forums.


I have years of experience giving talks to schools and groups about dog behaviour and body language. It is so important to teach children about how to be safe around dogs and to give people the confidence to know what a dog is trying to communicate. I can also give talks on other animals both domestic and wild. All my talks are fun and informative, please get in touch for more information. I most recently created and presented a 6 week course for those looking to work with dogs. I have lectured at both school and college level.



I also offer online consultations for those who cannot travel to Dublin, I have had a high level of success with private online consultations from clients all over the world from Nepal to Switzerland.


If you are unsure what you need or just simply want to ask some questions but you don’t need a full consultation we can schedule a phone consultation.

Before getting a puppy/dog (online) €80

Its so important that before you bring a dog into your home that you are prepared for that dog to change your life completely. I can help your family get ready for a dog, help you choose a dog that suits your home and all the dos and don'ts. I will give you advice on what to look for an how best to choose a puppy from a litter. I will be with you every step of the process and you will have a discounted home visit arranged with me on the first day your pup arrives to settle them in and help you have the best start.

If you intent to bring a dog into your home speak to a professional or appropriate rescue centre and let them help you find the perfect four legged friend. 

Dog Business consultations €750/day

I have worked in the dog industry for over 16 years, including 5 years running my own dog training and daycare centre. I can provide advice, support and expertise if you are deciding to open your own dog business. Consultations include a 2 hour meet up as well as a follow up phone consultation. Let me pass on my knowledge to you!

I also offer low stress handling  and body language talks for veterinary practices. 

Group classes for puppies 

I currently run group puppy classes in Anicare Clontarf for new puppies up to the age of 6 months. Classes run for 4 consecutive weeks at 8pm on Tuesday evenings. These classes include all basic level training as well as socialisation. Classes are €80 for 4 classes payable in advance.

fear of dogs

I work with children who have a fear of dogs. A fear of a dog can be extremely stressful and can often result in a child putting themselves in harms way in order to avoid contact with a dog. I work in a very positive and sensitive way to help children overcome their fears and allow them to feel comfortable leaving their home without the panic and stress of seeing a dog. Please feel free contact me for more information about this service.


Its not just our dogs that have us confused, our feline friends can sometimes cause frustration in our homes. Please get in touch if you need training to improve life with your cat. Whether your cat is toileting in your home or scratching you and your furniture I can help you to speak cat! 

I first contacted Suzi when I was at my wits end with my Golden Retriever Earl, he was guarding his food bowl, impossible to walk on a lead and a general menace. Suzi visited us and showed us how to teach Earl how to behave, he is now the dog I always dreamed of.
— Laura Quinn


If you would like to avail of any of my services fill out the form below. I always respond within 24 hours. If you don’t receive a reply please check your spam folder.



Terms & Conditions

By accessing and using these Services, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement as defined below.


  • Your booking is confirmed once a date and time are agreed by both parties. On agreeing to an appointment you are also agreeing to the terms and conditions below.


  • The services will be performed either at the Client’s property or in a place mutually agreed between the Trainer and the Client at the time the booking is confirmed.

  • The Trainer reserves the right not to provide Services to any dog that they consider dangerous or a danger to any person or other animal. This shall be at the sole discretion of the Trainer.

Trainer Responsibilities

  • I only use force-free and humane training methods. However, results are never instant and require the Client’s commitment to work with their dog in the long-term.

  • I cannot guarantee that the training will work because each dog is an individual case with different behavioural and training issues and a different background. 

  • The training that I use will be tailored for your dog based on the information you provide to me, including via any form of communication by phone, email or text. 

  • I am not responsible for providing a stooge or practise dog if this is recommended for progressing the training or behaviour therapy.

  • I will apply personal judgement and will cut short a Session, if necessary, because of extreme weather conditions, including but not limited to: excessive heat, torrential rain, thunderstorms and snow or ice. The decision to do so lies with the Trainer using their personal judgement, for the safety of themselves, their Client and Client’s dog, members of the public, and other animals. 

Client Responsibilities

  • You will inform the Trainer before any Training Session regarding any updates to the information previously provided in previous communication. This includes but is not limited to: medical information, dog behavioural changes, homing situation or ownership of the dog and legal matters relating to the dog for example a Court order.

  • You are fully responsible for the good health and timely vaccination status of your dog and will seek professional medical assistance from your veterinarian. The Trainer is not qualified to provide any medical or vaccination advice. 

    In the case of behavioural issues, you are happy for us to contact your vet on your behalf. It is your responsibility to obtain a Vet Check for your dog if this is recommended by the Trainer.

  • The training that I provide will be specific to the dog that you have consulted me on. It is not designed for, and should not be used for any other dogs without prior consultation with me regarding its relevance. 

  • It is your responsibility to keep yourself, your family and visitors, and your dog safe. I am not responsible for injuries or damage to you, your dog or personal property. Your dog must be kept on a lead during training unless agreed with the Trainer.

  • You are responsible for all vet bills, no matter how they are incurred.

  • You must keep your dog under control during the Session. Failure to do so and any injury caused by your dog being out of control will be your full responsibility.

  • You are responsible for bringing any recommended equipment advised by the Trainer to the Session. 

  • I train using positive reinforcement methods as I believe it is the most effective way to train dogs. If you use forceful handling methods or punishment, your Session will be terminated and you will not be offered a refund.

  • I will not conduct a training Session where aversive equipment is being used. This includes but is not limited to choke chains, prong collars, electric collars, rattle cans and corrector spray. These Sessions will be cancelled and you will not be offered a refund. 

  • If your dog is known to bite other dogs or cause injury then they must wear a well-fitting muzzle for the Session. The Trainer takes no responsibility for dogs not muzzled  or not kept under control during the Session or when outside of the Session. Failure to wear a muzzle when asked may result in the immediate termination of services.


  • The Trainer collects information from and about their Clients and their dogs for the sole purpose of providing their Services and may disclose this information to others as is necessary for the provision of said Services. This includes but is not limited to veterinarians with whom the Trainer would be reasonably expected to share information in the provision of Services. The Trainer shall accept no liability for any loss or inconvenience suffered by any party as a result of the disclosure of such information. 


  • The Trainer is not qualified to provide veterinary or legal advice and the information they provide is not intended to constitute such.

Fees & Payment

  • My fees are as set out in my written communication with you and are quoted per dog. 

  • Payments must be made in full by electronic bank transfer, using the details provided at the time of booking. An electronic receipt will be issued where requested in writing. Those clients who wish to put a claim through their insurance for behaviour consultations must pay in full, the trainer is unable to process these claims on behalf of the client as stated by the insurance company.

  • Payment is required in full no more than 48 hours after the services are performed.  

  • I do not offer refunds for cancelled services or missed Sessions unless in exceptional circumstances, to be decided at my discretion.

  • Where a refund is issued, it will be made by bank transfer to the person who made the original payment.


  • I reserve the right to cancel any Session (at any time and with immediate effect) if the dog does not respond well to the training plan (where the continuing of said Session is deemed, by me, to constitute a risk).

  • I reserve the right to cancel a booked Session at any time at my discretion due to unforeseen circumstances.

  • I reserve the right to cancel the contract (at any time and with immediate effect) if any dog under the contract does not respond well to the training and behaviour plan 

Please direct any complaints to the Trainer. These are viewed as an opportunity for improvement and are welcomed.